Metalpounders 20427
We the metalpounders won the "Project Award 2015" for the most innovative solution which is E-Bins and E-Cyclers in the regional First Lego League(FLL) competition
We the metalpounders won the "Project Award 2015" for the most innovative solution which is E-Bins and E-Cyclers in the regional First Lego League(FLL) competition
The city should provide E-Bins which are just like recycling bins, but you keep electronics in the E-Bins, and it should be small electronics. Just like the truck that picks up the recycling bins every 2 weeks, the e-bin truck will come every 3 months or quarterly.
If some people miss their E-Bin pickup, they can go to a grocery store where they can find this machine called an E-Cycler, where you can insert your electronics. It is very similar to the bottle collectors you find in Walmart or many other stores, and the benefit is that when you are recycling, you can also get some important stuff you need.
The E-Cycler will sort out metals, plastics, etc, just like the machine process that some of the organizations have.
The shop owner will get money by making new electronics by giving the E-Cycler sorted parts to the manufacturing company to make new products.
Big items will be sent to an organization. Working electronics will be donated, and others that don't work will go through the machine process and then will be recycled to a manufacturing industry.
We have a commercial to showcase what the E-Cycler will do, and how you can get used to it.
A flier will be put on the E-Cyclers to show the impact of E-Waste on the environment to people.
You should get a free coupon by putting your electronics into the E-Cyclers.
This is the link to our website which includes the problem page, the spreading awareness page the links and the about us page here is the link below
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